Welcome to First Moravian Church!

Moravians are the oldest continuously practicing Protestant denomination in the world today. We welcome all to join us as we worship our Lord and Savior,  Jesus Christ.

Join us Sundays at 11:00am for worship in person or via Zoom (Meeting ID: 205-454-336) or Facebook Live (@fmcgreensboro).

Our offices are open Monday-Friday, 9:00am-1:00pm.


Opportunities & Events: 

Backpack Blessing & End-of-Summer Ice Cream Social: Sunday, August 25th

First Moravian Friends, it's time to dust off those ice cream freezers so we can eat dessert first!

On Sunday, August 25th, we'll celebrate Christian Education Sunday at 11:00am with our Backpack & Back-to-School Blessing. Following worship, we'll hold our annual End-of-Summer Ice Cream Social on the church lawn (or in OFH, in case of rain).

The Ice Cream Social is always best when we have a buffet of fanciful flavors to choose from! Churn up a freezer of your favorite flavor and drop off at the NFH/Parking Lot doors on either Saturday (Aug 24) from 4:00-5:00pm, or on Sunday morning (Aug 25) from 9:45-10:30am. We will hold the ice cream in the Chicken Pie Room freezers until after worship.

Please sign up here to bring a freezer of ice cream, toppings, a non-dairy/vegan dessert, or to help with set-up/clean-up. See you Sundae!


New On Our Website: Order Sanctuary Flowers Online!

Help beautify our chancel and worship space on Sunday mornings by contributing Sanctuary flowers throughout the year. Flower arrangements are frequently placed as an offering of thanksgiving to honor and recognize family milestones (birthdays, anniversaries, accomplishments) or in memory of loved ones. Your special dedication will appear in that Sunday's bulletin.

One or two arrangements may be placed each Sunday; the cost is $38.00 per arrangement. Checks may be made out to FMC with "Sanctuary Flowers" in the memo line.

We have recently discontinued the use of our "paper & pen" flower calendar in the Narthex; however, you can now sign up to place flowers online. A permanent link has been added to the "Links" list at the bottom of this page. There, you will find full details and the sign-up form. You may also call the church office to order.

If you do not wish to take your flowers home after worship, please notify the church office on Monday so that they may be shared with our friends that are at home or in hospital.


 Shine a Light! Support First Moravian Ministries Through The Moravian Giving Portal

Looking for ways to help support the ministries of First Moravian Church with your financial gift? You may now use the Moravian Ministries Foundation's Giving Portal to make contributions directly to FMC and give securely online using your credit card; simply be sure to designate the FMC group or ministry to which you are contributing.

FMC Moravian Giving Portal


You may also mail checks to the First Moravian Church Office at:

304 South Elam Avenue, Greensboro, NC, 27403