Pastors, Staff & Church Leaders

Rev. Barbara Styers, Pastor
Barbara, a native of Buffalo, NY, lived in Boston for a few years before moving to North Carolina to attend graduate school and has stayed here ever since. She holds degrees from Cornell University, UNC-Chapel Hill, and Duke Divinity School, and a certificate in Moravian Studies from Moravian Theological Seminary in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Ordained as a Minister of Word and Sacrament in the Presbyterian Church (USA), she served on the staff of Raleigh Moravian Church before accepting a call to serve as pastor of First Moravian Church beginning in January 2022. Barbara and her husband Gray have two adult children. They enjoy traveling, bicycling, hiking, and gardening together when not working.

Meredith Cohoon, Director of Christian Education
Meredith loves the diversity that accompanies working with children's, youth, and adult ministries at FMC. A life-long Moravian and advocate of camping ministry, she was raised in the Raleigh Moravian congregation and has family ties to the Fairview Moravian (Winston-Salem) congregation. Meredith holds an undergraduate degree in Psychology from NC State University and earned her Master's magna cum laude from Duke Divinity School. While attending seminary, she completed her ministry internship at Kernersville Moravian.
Since her high-school days as a counselor at Laurel Ridge Moravian Camp, Conference & Retreat Center, Meredith has worked with children, youth, and adults in a variety of Moravian and Methodist ministry contexts. She enjoys learning to play new instruments, participating in both the brass band and praise band at FMC, and has a passion for incorporating the visual and dramatic arts into worship. She lives with husband Greg and daughter Rorie in a nearly hundred-year-old house which––much like her spiritual life––offers endless opportunity for renovation.

Jane McKinney, Director of Music

Ann Curtis, Organist/Pianist
Gay Cass, Treasurer

Margaret Stringer, Administrative Assistant
Margaret is a Salem College graduate with a BA in English, a Knight Errant of the Ancient Combat Enthusiasts School, and a Funeral Services Education student at FTCC. She is the proud employee of an extremely demanding cat, and owner of way too many plants.
Church Board
Caroline Armijo
Vince Holbrook
Nancy Jackson
Libby McCandless
Jane McKinney
Dalton McLean
Carey Pahel (Vice Chair)
Donna Royster
Lisa Salo